A review by 406knits
Port Mortuary by Patricia Cornwell


Lately, I haven't been very impressed with Cornwell's novels. I really loved her six years ago, but just haven't enjoyed any of her books I've read recently. I was excited for Port Mortuary because it was supposed to be like her old novels. I thought this would help me to identify if it's me and my attitude that's changed, or if I just really don't like Cornwell's recent stuff. I think it's the second one.

This novel was extremely slow, in spite of the promise for a fast-paced thriller listed in the flap. I found myself daydreaming while reading because the novel was so far from engaging. Scarpetta didn't seem to undergo much change in the novel, and it was poorly written. For example, there are three explanations on pages 384-85 in the hardcover novel where Cornwell uses analogies with "as if..." If things are so similar to something else within a short span of pages, just come out and say it, please! I felt like she was beating a dead horse with the quantity of analogies used.

Readers, I'm sorry this sounds like such a negative review. Bottom line? I think Cornwell's lost her touch. If you're currently a Cornwell/Scarpetta fan, do check out this novel. You may enjoy it. If you're at all on the fence, like me, I would not encourage you to pick it up.

Originally posted at Leah's Literature and Coffee