A review by sycokittykat
Consumed by Serra Rose


Carlos and a taste of home

First off I really like Carlos. Plus it was fantastic seeing Matteo and Quinn in a new setting with Carlos as their head. They are a small group but they have perfect dynamics and chemistry.

In this story Carlos finds himself hunting down a girl that reminds him of home. However, this particular girl happens to be a hunter. So they spent a lot of time flirting by trying to kill each other and it's fantastic. 

In all of this his clan wants her dead but he can't do it. We also have the Bloodking over here trying to start a war. We learn more about what led to the accords and how they are or are not followed. 

I have to admit there were parts of this book where I was a bit bored but I absolutely love seeing this side of Carlos. Also there was a character that was an absolute shock and I hope we get more about them and their relationship with someone from the clan. Seriously if you know you know. 

It was really nice getting more about the clans and how they function as well as how deaths are felt and dealt with. 

I'm super excited to see what happens with the war. Who might end up dead and how will it change dynamics.