A review by shellballenger
The Way I Heard It by Mike Rowe


Type of read: Commuter Read.

What made me pick it up: Mike Rowe is one of those people that I enjoy listening to and hearing what they have to say and 'The Way I Heard It' seemed like a welcome change of pace for books.

Overall rating: 'The Way I Heard It' was absolutely not what I expected but that is truly why I enjoyed it. I loved that it was a series of small stories and remembrances from Rowe. There's nothing complicated or crazy about 'The Way I Heard It.' It's probably not going to be a life-changing book for most of us, but you will walk away from it having learned a little something and probably having a laugh or two. I'd recommend it to anyone who needs a bit of a palate cleanser. Something light, fun, and just enough substance to keep your attention.