A review by eyreibreathe
The Star-Crossed Sisters of Tuscany by Lori Nelson Spielman


The Star-crossed Sisters of Tuscany was a heartfelt and beautiful read, and I found myself falling pretty hard for the endearing women in this story...especially feisty Poppy. I can only hope I have that much spunk when I'm her age!  Were parts of this book a little unbelievable, a little over-romantacized?  Maybe. But if you're anything like me, sometimes I crave a little of that sweet magic in my life, and The Star-crossed Sisters delivered! After over a year of not hopping on a plane, I loved being swept away to Italy...the sights, the sounds, the flavors...swoon! In fact, I have to confess that this setting seeped its way into my dreams at night, and I kept waking up telling my husband we must go to Italy someday.