A review by inkerly
The Book on Investing in Real Estate with No (and Low) Money Down: Creative Strategies for Investing in Real Estate Using Other People's Money by Brandon Turner


TLDR; Thorough and info-packed book. You can find my full notes here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12uSKo9M2rLF8U74e1iEsEM2f31snXqP2Ws3ylNHh29w/edit?usp=sharing

Very thorough and comprehensive in outlining the no-money strategies used. I’m glad I read it. Easy for the basic person to understand as long as you are willing to do simple math. The real life scenarios and bulleted suggestions make it all worth it. I think I have a better idea of what my first strategy will be now, and thankfully there are external resources that are plugged into the book so investors can launch their investing journey. Only gripe is the second to last chapter on my kindle is 60 pages. 60 out of a 200-something page book, my fingers cramped from all the notes I had to take, LOL. 5/5.