A review by readsofgosia
The Other Side of the Sky by Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner


The way how I see the book, I'm sure, is influenced by the disappointment of the one I've read beforehand. But this is okay, because it was a journey of healing and bringing me back to the magical world of fantasy. This book kept me on the edge of my seat, from the beginning till the end. I finished it last night, and best believe, it was the worst idea ever! I could not sleep.
Characters in the book are unique. We meet two teenagers who are connected by destiny, from two different worlds. One of them is full of magic and faith. The second one knows nothing of it, but it's based on technology and science. Together they have to learn how to accept themselves and each other on the journey to fulfill their task.
I have to admit, the writing got me the most. It was so beautiful. Nothing there was out of place. The pacing, across the book, was even and my type of rollercoaster. There was couple OMG and S** along the way. Some may say it was a naive and stupid story. I liked it. Of course, I found a couple questions that should be answered to explain the plot and why something so conveniently appeared to be the only solution, but also I would like to remember that there is a still space for me to interpret that and find answers myself, or wait for the second part. Which was the biggest betrayal ever. I did not know it'll be a second book!