A review by pagesplotsandpints
The Last by Hanna Jameson


<b>Read Completed 7/12/24 |</b> 2.25 stars

That's it? That's how the book ends? This was an interesting story but I don't know what the point was. It started off as an apocalyptic murder mystery, which was kind of a weird combination but I went with it, but then the mystery dropped off for a very long time. This was almost more contemporary with an apocalyptic twist than it was anything else. It wasn't a thriller, which the cover was shooting for. It wasn't really a mystery because they didn't do a lot with that. It wasn't horror because despite there being creepy things happening in the hotel, that never panned out. It was barely anything. The plot kind of meandered around, which would have been fine, but I never really got the book's purpose. And then the ending just kind of stopped like the author didn't know how to write a conclusion. 

This had so much potential and every single angle that it could have shined, it flopped. The writing was interesting enough and I just kept hoping that something would happen to give this novel direction... and then it ended. I was so disappointed. 

I was actually going to rate this 3 stars because I had a decent enough time reading it, but now that I'm finished, I'm SO disappointed in everything. There were so many opportunities to make this interesting somehow and it just never went anywhere. It ended with the reader being led somewhere, and something I figured was coming, but it was kind of a little too much of everything and a little too much of nothing for anything to be impactful. I didn't like a lot the directions it went.