A review by vrstal
How to Vex a Vampire by Alice Winters


4/5. Highlights may contain spoilers. Read at your own risk.

Content Warnings for book: Murder, violence, guns, non-consensual drug usage, ableism

Kink: Light bondage

How to Vex a Vampire was great!

I loved Finn and Marcus’s banner, it was very funny. Honestly this whole book pulls off being funny and comedic while being serious when it needs to be. I’m not a guy who really enjoys mysteries or romantic suspense, but this had a great assurance where I didn’t feel as if the plot was overwhelming everything and therefore making it unpleasant.

I liked how Marcus and Finn both take care of each other in different ways. I have to admit I’m very curious if Finn ends up becoming a vampire or not… obviously, if he doesn’t eventually, then it doesn’t become an “eternal romance”. I felt Finn’s disability was written well and not meant to be trauma or inspiration porn.

This lands on a HFN with a cliffhanger for the subplot that’s been going on — but it doesn’t feel like you’re punished if you wanted to walk away for a bit. I definitely will be reading the next one!

There isn’t much internal angst to either relationship, or very “angsty” at all. If you’re looking for some extra plot with cute romance, vampires, and comedy I think this is a great read.