A review by kandisteiner
A Love Letter to Whiskey by Kandi Steiner


Jamie finally gets to tell his side of the story...
and what happened after.

“I’m not sorry I kissed you,” he clarified, and my eyes found his then. “But I’m sorry I did it when you weren’t mine to kiss.”


Q: Is this the same book as the original?
A: YES! And, it also includes a brand new novella (which is really almost a full book because it's a whopping 50,000 words!) written from Jamie's POV. You can relive some of the biggest plot points from his perspective AND find out what happened after the epilogue in B's version.

Q: I haven't read A Love Letter to Whiskey yet... should I read it first?
A: It's the same in this fifth anniversary edition! So, I highly recommend getting the most bang for your buck and grabbing this edition. Then, you can read the original, and the new novella both!

Q: Will you have signed copies available?
A: Yes! They're available on my website at kandisteiner.com/shop

Q: Will it be available forever, or only a limited time?
A: Forever! I absolutely LOVE this novella from Jamie's POV, and I want everyone to be able to read it!

Q: Where can I get the sweatshirt you're wearing in all the promo pictures?
A: From novelgrounds.com!