A review by katkejt
Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo


Eddie • Andrew ♾️ Sam • Riley 


“I don’t want to share not even with a dead man.”


There is just something about books where you have to read between the lines that get me in a chokehold. I’ll be hunted by this book. Eerie perfection. I don’t drink but if I stared I would get drunk on this book. A fever dream.  And the ending? Genius. 


Suprhot, Elena Westermann - Calling For You 


Davey Muise - Fragile With Me 


“…come home - i’ll be waiting” // “Friends meant nothing in comparison to what he and Eddie were to each other.” // “His wrist stung in starbursts where the phantom had marked him.” // “I don’t think that’s what the little prince wants.” // “I’ll never be closer to him again than I am right now, and I’m staying.” // “He’d cared about music, once, though he no longer had access to the emotion, which felt like it had happened inside a different person a long time ago.” // “Soon, though.” // “Yeah, he’s giving in to my charms.” // “It was dumb, deliciously reckless, and that compelling energy struck Andrew with the force of a punch.” // “…but now Andrew understood where the hook had sunk in because it pierced straight through the meat of his cheek, too. He wanted to race Halse again, and that was a strange sensation: want. He also wanted to break his knuckles on Halse’s jaw.” // “The lines of strong fingers haunted his stinging cheek.” // “he was yours.” // “You’re dragging around a second shadow on your heels, I feel him all the time. It’s awful.” // “Eddie’s touch was a careless claim that meant home, home, home.” // “A shudder ripped across the bones of Andrew’s forearms, terror and delight and the promise of risk bringing him to life.” // “Answer me princess” // “…though Andrew didn’t realize he’d created the distinction.” // “Say it to my face.” // “…and somehow managed to skim the tips of his fingers across the join of Andrew’s neck and shoulder, raising the hair on his nape in a bristling twitch.” // “…and all I could think was that he’d marked you.” // “I’m sorry he died before you figured it out.” // “Faded photos of two tanned boys, summer sons, gazed into the family camera with hapless eagerness.” // “Instead he floundered in a curious free-falling simplicity, almost pleasant.” // “…because nothing encompassed the particular set of feelings he might sum up as owned.” // “I’m here.” // “…nothing else kindled him to human, eager life.” // “Fire wouldn’t cleanse the history from that earth, but maybe it could put the bones to rest.” // “…and i’m ready whenever.” …
