A review by thepageprincess
Before by Anna Todd


I can't believe I'm not giving it 5 stars. It's more like a 4.5. I REALLY LIKED IT. BUT....It was basically the same as After and I knew it would be, but I was just hoping for a different something?? I enjoyed the parts from other character's points of views. But some of them I didn't care to read about and others I really really liked and wanted to read more of. So that was a let down sort of. And I really liked the hessa parts of course. I loved reading all the cute lines from Hardin I didn't get to see before. I liked the little passages at the start of each chapter. I really did like this book! I would only recommend it though if you're a big fan of After, but otherwise this book isn't a big deal to read in addition to the series. Overall, I liked this a lot but I am a HUGE After fan so I expected to! It's a great addition to the series, but I just wanted something more/different. Hopefully "Nothing More" and "Nothing Less" will be just as amazing as After and give me that fix I need! Because these books are like drugs! So addictive!