A review by helpfulsnowman
The Walking Dead: The Alien by Brian K. Vaughan


OLDEST trick in the book of comic books (the comic book?):
In the 80's, someone hit on the idea of making any new X-Men that came on board related to Cyclops somehow. Let's give him a brother. Then another brother who was born in spaaaaaaace! Then he'll have a son who he sends to the future for some reason. His dad? Why, a space-faring adventurer, of course!

But what people tend to forget with this is that if characters are related, but that's the entirety of their connection, their biological relation...who gives a shit?

Sure, if your brother is Hitler or Jesus, that'll do. But if your brother is a moderately famous superhero in the world of superheroes? Eh?

Anyway, that's what we get in this volume, and it has no real effect or purpose. It's pretty much based entirely on "Hey, I don't think Rick Grimes ever specifically said he DIDN'T have a brother, right?"