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A review by bookobsessedmommy
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas


Usually I think of the citizens of Nazi Germany as a monolith of evil incarnate, but real life is never that simple. The story of Diethrich Bonhoeffer has challenged me in ways that no biography ever has. The realness and tangibility of his faith has cause me to question who or what my faith is actually in. To be confronted with the depths of depravity that characterized Nazi Germany and remain hopeful lets me know that truly his hope was in God and God alone. The book is very long, and it took me over a month to get all the way through it, but all the details helped to paint the picture of a life and faith in God that produced such an extraordinary and interesting man. I'm known for my frugality so i get all my books from the library, but this is a book I would buy.