A review by travelisfers
You Will Remember Me by Hannah Mary McKinnon


OMG – my jaw is on the floor! [b:You Will Remember Me|55004543|You Will Remember Me|Hannah Mary McKinnon|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1606175293l/55004543._SY75_.jpg|85724757] by [a:Hannah Mary McKinnon|15144570|Hannah Mary McKinnon|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1459630381p2/15144570.jpg]is soo good. The writing is fabulous – the pages turn by themselves. The story is intense and it is told by three POV (love a multi-POV story) and the ending…well – you’ll just have to read it! I am so happy to have been a part of the @letstalkbookspromo book tour – thank you! I have never read a book by this author – and now I am a fan!

As I mentioned there are three POV’s – one is Jack who wakes up, beaten, on a highway with no memory of who he is and starts a trek back to his home – but it is not his current home; second is Lily, his girlfriend – frantic to find him and doesn’t know he’s left the area and has a hard time finding him because -well – she finds out she actually doesn’t really know anything about him; and third is his step-sister Maya – whose love for her step-brother is intense – to say the least.
How do they all come together? Wow – without telling you too much, the author has created a fascinating mystery that includes amnesia and the attempts to recover memories, mysteries of unexplained deaths, love stories and more. It is dark, twisty and crazy. And the ending? Well, you have to read it to now why I am pretty much speechless. Tons of intrigue here.

My take
So – it was great. I usually have so much more to say – but I can’t because I don’t want to give anything away – that’s why you need to read this! I’ll need to read more books by this author!