A review by torrie_reads
God Is Red: A Native View of Religion by Vine Deloria Jr.


I know a lot of people will see this book and think it is not for them. But it is. This is a critique on Christianity from a Native American.  He is very well versed in the Bible and Christianity. And speaks on problems that I have had for a while. 

I want to do this book justice with my review but I know it's impossible. It was validating and educational. Since I have a history minor I know that Christianity played a big role in a lot of history, especially since the Protestant Reformation. Before that as well or there wouldn't have been one. But I really didn't realize how much it played in shaping the world we now live in. And this book highlights how problematic it has been. 

I could share quotes with you all day—shout out to my husband and my friend for having to hear about this book all month long— but really you need to read this one for yourself. It will help you understand why the land is important to Natives and it will also give you a chance to look critically at Christianity. I truly believe reading this book can make you a better Christian. 

I read this for part of the #10books10decades challenge for the 1970s. I feel like it was cheating a little because it is the updated copy from the 90s. But it was originally written in the 70s.