A review by apairofducks
Love at Second Sight by F.T. Lukens


This book would have really benefited from another round of edits. There are some fun ideas here, but none of them are fully realized. 
The only members of the group I cared about were Gemma and maybe Kaci. Mateo in particular was woefully underdeveloped despite being on the cover, and I’m honestly a little annoyed how much this book looks like a romance considering how boring the pairing is. But continuing on the characters— Cam was fine, and Al was fine, and I truly couldn’t tell you why Reese stuck around in the beginning. 
I love the idea of a paranormal high school. I love the concept of all these conflicting groups being lumped together in one big school, and the rules about using powers in class were fun. But a setting can only do so much. 
My great grievance was with the glimpse that shaped the entire novel. The scene where it all came to fruition did not have nearly enough weight, and I kept thinking, “Is this it? Is this all we’re getting?” I left the scene with more questions than answers, and I don’t think it was intentional— it was just poor writing, and this issue carried over to the scene where Cam’s ER glimpse came true.

The conflict with the parents also didn’t fully come together for me. They turned kind of super villain at the end, and Lukens attempted to play it for laughs, but it wasn’t funny enough for me to excuse the paper thin plot.

I really want to like FT Lukens, and I believe that they can write a good book. This just isn’t it.