A review by saucydoorhandles
Ballad: A Gathering of Faerie by Maggie Stiefvater


This has spoilers from the first book in the series and the second.

This book was frustrating. I liked the way Dee's story was semi interwoven with the texts because it let you know a little on what was going on, but on the same page, I hated it because everything is then more dramatic than it needs to be if they just had one tough conversation at the start then a lot of crap could have been avoided. People complain about their problems but some things are easily solved once you stop making a drama out of it. It peeved me off so much throughout the whole entire book and I found Dee's character becoming more un likable throughout the novel. James, was okay. That's all.

There is just something missing from these books and I can't quite put my finger on what. I'm supposed to care about these characters and I just...don't. I'm just not connecting. It's not as if it's badly written either. I find the world she has created interesting as well, so I don't know why I'm really not enjoying this series.

Nuala was interesting. Without her, this book would have been dull and I felt like I knew her more than I had ever gotten to know Luke. Which is a plus side as Luke was like a ghost in the last book, yet we were supposed to understand why the Dee falls in love with him in five minutes.

This book was a lot better than the 1st but I still feel like the ending was rushed, neverless, ill probably end up read the last one, because I like knowing the full story.