A review by michelleglogovac
Where Love Lies by Raz Tal Schenirer


Ella is an Israeli born American citizen who is forced to serve in the Israeli army for two years as part of her citizenship and her family moves to Tel Aviv after being the victims of antisemitism. It's obvious that Ella is trying to find her way early on and is swept away by a man who claims he doesn't want to be his father, yet is exactly the same. It was heartbreaking to read and I kept cheering for Ella to find her voice throughout and stand up for herself because she deserved so much better.

My stomach was in knots reading this because I believe there is truth in how abusive relationships are played out behind the scenes. Ella's family knows something is off but refuses their help time and again.

This book is not light by any means but it will grip you and you won't be able to put it down. It's something that will also stick with you for awhile.