A review by metallcow
Little Liar by Leigh Rivers


If I could give this book zero stars, I would. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement.

The first half of this book was basically a rehash of the first book, but from Malachi's point of view. That would have been ok if the author had kept with the 'he's a psycho' vibe she tried to give him in the first book. But instead we got an honestly sad attempt at a generic sad obsessed/stalker boy that didn't measure up to what he was made out to be. To be completely honest, I cared more about the friendship between Malachi and his friend Mason than any other part of this book. As I was reading through, I kept wondering when we were going to get to a timeline we hadn't already read from the first book. There was hope that the second half of the book would be decent and worth rereading the first book, but I was sorely disappointed. The second half of the book was a dumb plot that made little to no sense and seemed forced at the best of times. Olivia and her mother were just as annoying as the first book, I forgot that the dad had actually lived, and the whole Fast and Furious meets Oceans Eleven vibe that the rescue gave off was absolutely horrendous. What really made me despise this book though, was the basic word salad of most of the text, along with the misspelled words and bad grammar, to the point I found myself wondering if AI had some hand in the writing of this book.

Overall it was a sad disappointment and a truly heartbreaking squashing of what would have been an ok character in Malachi. It was worse than Hitched.