A review by booknbhook
The Disappearance of Sally Sequeira by Bhaskar Chattopadhyay


Author : Bhaskar Chattopadhyay

Genre : Mystery

Number of Pages : 238

Any book which has a strong beginning absolutely gains my attention and this book is one of them. From page one I started solving the mystery and it was a beautiful ride for me as a reader to be able to put my guesses in and occasionally shout in excitement when my guess was correct.

Set in Goa, the author has set a perfect crime scene near a beach along with a lighthouse and all the residents of the town are hiding something. Chattopadhyay, has explored and used the setting of the story very cleverly and to his advantage.

It's a short, and fast paced thriller which doesn't keep you waiting for long for the mystery to unravel and that makes it all the more merrier. Sally Sequeira, is a mysterious character for everyone in the town and the unravelling of her story really keeps the reader interested.

The one thing I didn't enjoy in this book are the unnecessary details of every room entered by the protagonist, Maity, if it was foreshadowing I would have excused it but it was just the author's way of misleading the reader to think that something necessary is in these informations.

The suspense is good but it did not catch me off my guard, maybe because I have read so many mystery books that I expected a bit more. I would recommend this book to crime, mystery lovers who are looking for a quick read.

My Verdict : 4/5

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