A review by hananhn
بطل من هذا الزمان by Mikhail Lermontov, ميخائيل ليرمنتوف, سامي الدروبي


A hero of this time is in fact an anti-hero, a human soul spoiled with flaws and sins. I couldn't decide if I liked or hated him. This book has many great ideas and thoughts that amazed me, the author ( 19 years old when he wrote the book) depicted a lot of meaningful lessons about people and life.

I can't stop thinking about this quote:

“What of it? If I die, I die. It will be no great loss to the world, and I am thoroughly bored with life. I am like a man yawning at a ball; the only reason he does not go home to bed is that his carriage has not arrived yet.”
― Mikhail Lermontov, A Hero of Our Time