A review by being_b
Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Oh wow this book was so terrible! Absolutely nothing mattered at all unless it was related to the hero and heroine's pantsfeelings for each other. Character consistency? Psychological realism? Worldbuilding? Anybody's beliefs or motivations about anything? All up for grabs to create pantsfeelingsy moments.

My favorite was probably when the heroine psychically dropped into the hero's dreams and, in his body, experienced firsthand his memories of having sex with his previous wife (wtf!) and then a month of agonizing torture. This torture is an experience that has, quite reasonably, traumatized him so deeply that just being tied down makes him dissolve into total freakout. Our heroine's reaction to having a first-hand experience of intense PTSD-inducing torture is to... feel super sad for him and want to bone him. And that's all. No residual trauma (or icky feelings from experiencing him boning somebody else) at all.

Also she cures his PTSD by tying him down with scarves and blowing him. No lie.