A review by crofteereader
To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers


This is it. This right here is the scifi novella I've been waiting for. This story spoke to the child in me (established at the ripe old age of 23 when I truly started falling in love with science fiction) that dreams of the wonders of space, discovery, infinite possibility. But it's also practical - with limitations, routines, the handling of time. And, in classic Becky Chambers fashion, it's wholesome and queer and diverse with characters from all walks of life who genuinely love each other and support each other and coexist beautifully.

When I hit 70% in my library-loaned ebook, I knew I needed a copy for my shelves. The questions being asked, the scientific method, how smart and human and curious every sentence of Ariadne's felt.

Plus, you know right from the beginning that things are going to go awry, that the message this book is a package for is not a good one, despite the hope and joy and discovery. And I will say that the ending was exactly what I wanted as a reader, but it left the part of me that was deeply invested in the story in suspense. It was really brilliantly done.

As a scifi fan and an engineer, I highly recommend this novella.