A review by briecheezy
Fire from Heaven by Mary Renault


Renault’s historical fiction is the best kind – in which it reads as if a direct translation of some writing of the time. This book follows Alexander from childhood right up to his father’s death, and Renault has pieced together the bits of Alexander’s pre-accession life we know to create an entire picture of his growing up, a picture of an ambitious, otherworldly young man.

Renault is also not shy about highlighting Hephaistion. From Renault’s narrative, one could say that Alexander’s success and trajectory was almost entirely dependent on Hephaistion’s presence. Multiple times Alexander heeds his advice when he would have thought rashly. Hephaistion’s character is loyal, patient, and incredibly astute. He knows Alexander’s mind as well as his own. He is often described as more than Alexander’s right hand, “He too is Alexander.” The moments Renault paints of their closeness are precious.

And who couldn’t love Renault when she says of them “No physical relationship is proved, and those whom the thought disturbs are free to reject it.” Burn.