A review by the_ya_assassin
Cress by Marissa Meyer


Oh. My. God.
That ending.

This is my favorite book in the series so far! It had the right amount of action, character development/interaction, AND continuation of worldbuilding, I could not be happier!

I loved that we saw each character (Cinder, Kai, Cress, and Thorne) all change! Cress went from a quiet, naive, smart girl to a strong, intelligent young woman. Thorne, I feel changed enough to end up with Cress (I agree with Dr. Erland that he doesn't deserve her, his daughter. I saw this twist coming though). Kai changed from a happy young man to a wise man. Cinder grew and understood the full scope of her role in the story too.

The interaction between all of the characters was amazing as well. Cinder + Kai, Scarlet + Wolf, Cress + Thorne . . . perfection.

Then with all of the subplots . . . the story was pretty intricate and exciting. There was a lot of action that actually fulfilled the story, unlike [b:Scarlet|13206760|Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)|Marissa Meyer|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1470056982l/13206760._SY75_.jpg|18390691]. BUT WE DON'T FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS TO SCARLET!!

I'm really excited to read the next book and look forward to traveling through space in this revolution!