A review by fortheloveoffictionalworlds
The Governess Game by Tessa Dare


Actual Rating 4.75 Stars

If you haven’t already read Tessa Dare and you are a fan of Historical Romances; then what rock are you living under?
Tessa Dare is a fan – freaking – tastic author – her books, are always hilariously swwon worthy and almost always a binge – worthy reads.

Case in point The Girl Meets Duke Series – I fell in love with [b:The Duchess Deal|33259027|The Duchess Deal (Girl Meets Duke, #1)|Tessa Dare|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1490030736l/33259027._SY75_.jpg|53979944] when it first came out, and only recently got back to this series; which means I ended up binge reading the remaining two already out books in one single day when I was out sight seeing a whole new place!

In [b:The Governess Game|36111620|The Governess Game (Girl Meets Duke, #2)|Tessa Dare|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1517431977l/36111620._SY75_.jpg|57700166], our impish heroine loves everything astronomy and space though she is stuck working as some one who repairs clocks for a living. She is a bookish gal, and has been mooning over her Bookstore Rake ever since he bumped into her in her favourite place in the world.
Chase, on the other hand, is an actual philandering rake, who has been given the guardianship of two precocious young girls who wreaking havoc in his life. Now, all he wants is a governess who will stick to her guns and not let the girls run rough shed over her.

A misunderstanding leads Alexandra right to the door of her bookstore rake, and her accepting the governess position she wholly believes she is unqualified for. That doesn’t stop her from giving her best; and her best involves empathising with the girl’s feelings and understanding that a man like Chase, who empathetically states he wants nothing to do with the girls, yet does everything in his power to actually be the best possible guardian he can be, without even realising it.

I adored Alex – she is intelligent, resourceful and definitely independent. Though she harbours a need for a family of her own, she is pragmatic enough to realise it may not be a reality for her. Chase on the other hand, is delightful – he is charming in the effervescent way, and somehow stole my heart even through the dumbest of actions.

Both Alex and Chase are perfect for each other – especially with the way the collide together, understanding that what they have with each other is precious and something to be worshipped. It was a hysterical read from start to finish with enough emotional moments to keep my soul happy!

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