A review by booksmithscientist
Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky


Wow. I have LITERALLY just finished the last page of this book.⁣

Despite the sheer length of the book, it does not fail to impress. I was a massive fan of Perks of Being a Wallflower and had high hopes for Stephen Chbosky's second book. The reviews I have read online have been mixed, with many people being very disappointed at the general pace of the book, which I admit is true. I almost stopped half way - 360 pages in to be exact! ⁣

In my honest opinion, every single word past the half way mark is gripping. I couldn't put it down. At no point was any part of the storyline predictable but equally, it wasn't too confusing to follow as some thrillers are. ⁣

Every single character has an amazingly well thought out and explained back story, all of which pull together as part of a puzzle. ⁣

I really don't know how else to put this but; ADD THIS BOOK TO YOUR LIST IMMEDIATELY. ⁣

Thank you Stephen Chbosky for another truly remarkable book. ⁣