A review by reading_rommance
Suddenly You by Cora Rose


3.5/4. So... I really loved this book. Except for one thing that bothered me a bit. So I want to start with all the positives - and there are a lot!

First, Coop is so sweet. He is kind, thoughtful, caring, and he knows just what Matt needs. He is generous with his money, he gives Matt exactly what he needs without Matt having to ask, and he is patient at Matt figures out his sexuality. Matt is also so sweet. He's thoughtful, gentle, and such a sweet soul. He likes little things in life like cuddles and collecting seashells and that's been beaten into his head that those are too girly for boys to enjoy. He's a cutie little sad boy I want to protect.

Next, the cameos are top tier. We get to see Maggie and Sem, Caleb and Whit, Max and Beau, AND Emery and August! That being said, I'm a needy b and I want more of all of my favorites! But honestly, the cameos were great.

Also, I love a drunken marriage trope, so that was great. Cora did it so well! As with all of her books, I suspend my disbelief a bit at how over the top these characters are, but as with all of her books, this one is amazing, too. It was surprisingly sweet. It gives Matt a great villain redemption, although I'd like to see his struggle a bit more. For being so homophobic at one point, even if it was just the way he grew up, he seems to accept things easily. Oh and the epilogue? Yes please. I need Mitch's story yesterday!

Now, the one thing that really didn't sit well is Coop's reasoning for staying married.
Spoiler Coop is adamant he remains married to Matt. Since he has all the money in the relationship, he has all the power. He knows Matt can't fight him and win. And honestly, that's fine with me if he has a good reason. But he doesn't. He states multiple times that he wants to sleep with the straight boy, which is a little uncomfortable. I wanted something more like a sad past or a desperate need for companionship. Instead, I got a pretty negative stereotype of gay men. Now I get most of Cora's stories are basically this premise, but I think Coop spelling it out to clearly made me feel some type of way.
That being said, I still loved this book and I enjoyed reading it. It actually got me out of a huge reading slump and I'm super grateful.

So I do recommend this book, as I do all Cora's books really, but I just want to include that caveat that I don't agree with Coop's reasoning here and I wanted more depth to him. 3/5 spice levels.

Notes: drunken wedding, wake up married, sexual awakening, blushing MC, touch starved MC, financial differences, super sweet, lingerie