A review by ms_tiahmarie
The Red Address Book by Sofia Lundberg

Book Bite for the Sunday Times: https://bit.ly/31qdP25

~I'll give you my memories. They're the most beautiful thing I have.~

~He never asked me about myself. I don't think he even knew which country I came from. He wasn't interested in what was going on in my head. That might be one of the most degrading things you can subject someone to, not caring about their mind.~

~People try to live for as long as possible, but do you know what? Being the oldest is no fun. There's no point in living. Not when everyone else is dead.~

~The dead become different in memory.~

~Writing lies dormant within her, like a vague dream she can't quite catch hold of. She knows she can do it. She has talent. Deep down, she knows that. But she is where she is. First of all, who would take care of the kids?~

~I...wish you...enough...
Enough sun to light up your days, enough rain that you appreciate the sun. Enough joy to strengthen your soul, enough pain that you can appreciate life's small moments of happiness, enough meetings that you can...say a farewell...~