A review by lumos_libros
Lost in the River of Grass by Ginny Rorby


I'm having a bit of a guilty conscious thinking of why I read this book, and no it's not the cover (I actually don't have too many qualms about reading a book because of that, yeah I know I'm scandalously shameless). I read it because the page count was relatively low and I really need to bring up my book count fast so I'm not so utterly behind on the book challenge. Well, luckily for me the book packs a good amount of storytelling and I appreciate a well told story.

Sarah is a freshman at Glades Academy and in an uncharacteristic move decides to take a science class trip to the Everglades. She is a scholarship kid and because of it feels like she doesn't fit in and is a bit ostracized by the other girls. On this field trip she will also do something she usually doesn't do, break the rules. While at the field trip she decides to take a boat ride with a guy who works at the Everglades. But it isn't picture perfect as it should have been because one careless mistake will leave them stranded where nobody will find them for days. They'll have to venture out in the dangerous world of the Everglades where not many make it out unscathed.

The characters are important to the story but I think the "character" that who steals the show is the Everglades itself. It acts as teacher to Sarah and Andy, and I can tell the author has a respectful love for this environment and that showed through the pages. You could feel the heat, tension, and weird fascination of this harsh environment. I'm so glad this book didn't take a typical route of having the book central around Sarah and Andy being lovey dovey (there is a little of that), but the book concentrates on how they want to survive and how they both pull out strength they thought they didn't have to move forward even when it seems like they won't get through this.

Sarah's voice felt realistic, and even though in the beginning I thought she complained a lot and she bickered too much with Andy it's probably what would happen. You are going to feel a bit ticked off when you are in a dire life and death situation. It was interesting to witness the unfolding of the two main characters background. Sarah doesn't come from a privileged family but Andy assumes she does. On the other hand Sarah assumes Andy is confident and has everything together, but in reality he doesn't have real direction and feels like he's been handed the short end of the stick when it comes to life. They kind of counter-balance each other, and fit together because they both want to do better in their own way.

After reading this book I feel like I need to brush up on my survival skills because they are seriously lacking. Goodness, what am I saying?!?! I need a major overhaul.

Sidenote:I just have to say I think a may be a teeny bit heartless because most of the time I was on Andy side when it came to their little companion Teapot. But I have to say he came in handy on more than one occasion.