A review by morgan_blackledge
Evolutionary Psychology I: The Science of Human Nature by Allen D. MacNeill


Screener level 1: Nothing in biology makes sense outside of the framework of evolution (If your religious or political beliefs haven't stopped you from continuing to read, than continue to level two).

Screener level 2: Human thought, emotions and behavior are biological phenomena, emerging from our nervous systems (i.e. brains, extended nervous systems, neurochemistry, hormones etc, interacting with the environmental context, which includes other humans (still with me? Go to screener level 3).

Screener level 3: Nothing about human (or any other animal species) psychology makes sense outside of the evolutionary framework (if you haven't shot your computer yet, run, don't walk, over to Audible.com and grab this absolute jam of a lecture series.

FINAL WARNING: Allen D. McNeill has a truly irritating vocal style. But give it a second. He grows on you in the hugest way. By the end of this lecture series, you will LOVE the guy. Primarily due to his clear, simple presentation of the worlds most fascinating subject, evolutionary biology applied to the special case of human behavior. Priceless.