A review by ladydewinter
Fire From Heaven by Mary Renault


This is my second copy of this book. I bought another one years ago, tried to read it, found I couldn't get into it and sold it. This time, I started reading it and could barely put it down. Go figure.

Since Fire from Heaven is the first volume of Mary Renault's trilogy about the life of Alexander the Great, it's not very surprising that this book is about Alexander's childhood and youth. Like I said, I found it a very compelling read, but not so much because of the plot, but because I didn't want to stop reading. It wasn't so much about needing to find out what was going to happen but more about the way it was told. I think Mary Renault's way of writing may not be for everyone (then again, whose is?), but I find it to be beautiful and elegant.

My favorite aspect (apart from my most favorite, which I'm going to mention in a bit) were the quiet, peaceful moments she managed to include, like when Alexander and Hephaistion visit the fallen Thebans after the battle. Those moments left a deep impression on me.

Now for my most favorite thing about this book, and also the main reason why I wanted to read it: the relationship between Alexander and Hephaistion. Mary Renault writes them as lovers, and it's rather touching to see how their relationship blossoms. I'm having some trouble to find the right words for this, but like with any slash pairing I read - while it may be nice that they're lovers, what impresses and touches me is the immense love these characters feel for each other, and it's like that here.

In any case - if one set out to read this book expecting a love story, one is bound to be disappointed. I found it a great historical novel, however, and I cannot wait to read the second volume.