A review by justabooktrovert
Taken by the Lord of the Nocturne Court by K.A. Merikan


K.A. Merikan was my most-read author of 2024, so it pains me a little to rate this one under 4 stars. It has everything I usually love…MM, dark themes, fantasy; but for some reason, it just didn’t hit as hard as I’d hoped.

The world-building was solid, and I really liked the eerie, atmospheric setting. But the first 50% felt slow, and I struggled to stay engaged. I think a big part of that was the characters not fully grabbing my attention. Kyran had depth, and I felt for him and the weight of the secret he was carrying. But Luke? He just didn’t work for me. He felt like a blend of every emo/goth cliché, and I never really connected with him.

Overall, it wasn’t bad by any means, just not as gripping as I expected. A decent read, but not one that left a lasting impression.