A review by the_ya_assassin
Among the Beasts & Briars by Ashley Poston


*4.5 stars*

This book was surprisingly dark, but unsurprisingly VERY good!! I really enjoyed myself on this wild ride with Fox and Cerys!

First of all, props to [a:Ashley Poston|4279769|Ashley Poston|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1603175651p2/4279769.jpg] for the worldbuilding and backstory. I loved the subtle things she wrote about, while not going overboard with the descriptions and things that had happened in the characters' pasts. Sometimes I felt that there was a little TOO much description on the flowers, but as the MC was a gardener's daughter, I kinda get it.

Secondly, I was unimpressed by the twist, which is my only critique of this book. From the moment Cerys said she thought Fox looked "familiar," I knew he was long-lost Prince Lorne. In addition, my theory of who he truly was became supported even more when he started having the flashbacks.

I WAS impressed by the other twist though. Up till the moment they reached Voryn, I believed the stories Cerys and Aloriya had been told were true. I was surprised by both these stories proving to be false and the fact that the Lady of the Wood was trapped in the Crown. I thought that perhaps Cerys's MOTHER was the Lady of the Wood, but that theory was proven wrong at the end.

I was a little disappointed that we didn't get to see anything after the Cerys broke the crown and prior to the coronation. I would've enjoyed seeing the characters transforming back and how they got back into somewhat normal routines again.

I LOVED the romance between Fox (aka Lorne) and Cerys. It added a much needed lightness to the dark story of the wyldwood, ancients, and woodcurse.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and look forward to more adventures in the wyldwood!