A review by lorrainelowereads
Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney


The novel is narrated by a very unique character, Frances, who is 21, a Trinity student and burgeoning poet, is best friends with her ex-girlfriend Bobbi and about to start a serious flirtation with a straight, married man. ⁣

First off, one of the things I loved about this book was that Frances’s bisexuality was what it was. The book wasn’t about her being bisexual or about Bobbi being a lesbian; everyone was out and just living their lives with no judgment from anyone else. I like books that normalise members of the LGBTQ community.⁣

Secondly, I thought Frances was a really well written character, very complex and unusual. This was possibly to the detriment of other characters who were a bit one-dimensional but that may have been intentional; Frances is definitely the star here.⁣

If you sense a ‘but’, here it is. I wasn’t a fan of the ending. I was expecting some sort of personal ‘a-ha’ moment for Frances but I don’t think it ever came. I was confused during the book about what (or who) she really wanted and I wanted to be clear on that by the end of the book, but I wasn’t.⁣

Having said that, I read this book in two sittings which was probably too quick for a book so full of nuance and multi-layered conversations. So this will be a definite re-read for me, possibly next year.⁣ Having now read both of Rooney’s novels, I can say I am a confirmed fan and will instantly buy whatever she publishes next.