A review by saramdeuri
The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley


a really intriguing narrative that builds on itself well! the characters felt quite alive, realistically flawed. the romance got my heart fluttering just a teensy, tiny little bit (I just can't put myself wholeheartedly into straight romances) so I assume for those who love a doomed-ish forbidden-ish romance like this, it'd be wonderful. 

however!! i will say that both my friend and i found the
sex scenes lacking a little something. they felt less tender and less heated than they perhaps should've been, given the scenes and build-up beforehand, so it was a little baffling to reach the scene after such a sexy preamble and feel very little eroticism at all. the later scenes were much better, though. not every author has perfectly erotic sex scenes in them and that's ok!!

the plot, instead, was engaging throughout. thoroughly recommended to any sci-fi fan - this is just what lighter sci-fi should feel like!!