A review by precioussantiago
Broken Dolls by Mique Watson


So you know last year when the Evil Dead Rise movie came out, everyone was ranting about how gross the cheese grater scene was. Umm there is a scene in this book with a cheese grater that was very descriptive and makes the scene in Evil Dead Rise look like something out of a Disney movie.

This book is gross, depraved, disturbing, everything that extreme horror sets out to do. I would not recommend this to a casual readers of the genre, this is for seasoned readers. This book is messed up.

For the most part this can be categorized as a typical home invasion/torture extreme horror story, but there are a couple of things that set this apart from the others. Number one, Mique can write, you are not going to get this basic writing that unfortunately is one of my biggest gripes with the genre. He has a talent that shines through all of the depravity. Secondly, I really felt for Lauren-the mother. In under 100 pages I was able to feel empathy for this main character, despite not having too much of a back story. What little we do know about her was enough for me to care for her survival, with her religious and sheltered background it made the events of the story even more messed up and degrading. My only gripe is that I really wanted to know more about the villian, but again this was a fairly short novella that moves pretty fast.

Overall I am happy to have finally read this book, I'm a little confused to why this book gets a bad rep, I felt like it was no worse than the other books in this genre, but anyway I am looking forward to reading Broken Dolls Deliverance next.