A review by ellejaoy
Night Pleasures by Sherrilyn Kenyon


I started reading this earlier and I actually had this site open to put in my progress. I assumed I'd read a few pages then start on it again tomorrow and maybe finish sometime this week. How wrong was I.

4 hours later and I'm actually ridiculously sad the book is over.

First off, it reminded me of J R Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood. It has a LOT of similarities but it's different in the same ways. It's confusing to compare them but I do see them as two of the same kind of book.

Grump male vampire - Plain yet amazing young woman. Fighting, love and smoking hot scenes to make to re-read paragraphs more than once!

I really enjoyed the feel of the book. The chemistry between the two characters where brilliant. The whole thought out history and character development was awesome!

I didn't realise this was a second in the series though. A friend recc'd it to me when I was out shopping and this was the first one they had!

I'm now totally excited to go out and get the rest of them!!