A review by winecellarlibrary
Dagger's Destiny by Linnea Tanner


This review is also available on my blog: Wine Cellar Library

Dagger's Destiny is the second book in Linnea Tanner's remarkable Curse of Clansmen and Kings series. It is imperative that you read [b:Apollo's Raven|41130674|Apollo's Raven (Curse of Clansmen and Kings #1)|Linnea Tanner|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1534115438l/41130674._SY75_.jpg|55424344] prior to embarking on this novel. Not only does Dagger's Destiny pick up right where Apollo's Raven ended, but only minimal summary is provided of the events that occurred in the first book. There are numerous conflicts at play in this series, and I do not expect the majority of them to be resolved until the series concludes. At the time of this review, five books have been promised by the author for this series!

In comparison to the first book, Dagger's Destiny is overflowing with action sequences. I was really impressed by the ruthlessness of the author in the narrative. It was reminiscent of scenes from George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. The brutality may be difficult for some readers, but it gives the book a realistic quality. Whereas most fantasy novels try to give every character a "happily ever after," this author will not spare your feelings. Consider yourself warned!

Like the first book, this book ends abruptly. It ends so suddenly, in fact, that I did not realize it had even ended until I reached the endnotes! This may be something that turns off some readers, but I quite enjoy it. It can become irritating when every book in a series spends time winding down at the end of one book and then reiterating events for several pages at the beginning of the next book. In contrast, this series reads like one large epic saga broken into several parts.

If you enjoy historical fantasy, Roman history, Celtic history, and/or epic sagas, you will treasure this series!