A review by lilybear
The Grumpy Thistle Fairy by Delmire Hart


Still my beating heart!! This story was so cute and sweet! Not like cotton candy sweet but like classy French pastry sweet. A fine balance of supreme flavors with fairy dust on top.

Ellis, the thistle fairy, is a fair minded and kind soul who takes his responsibilities to the forest denizens seriously. Since he isn't a flighty, air-brain distracted by pretty colors his peers consider him un-fairy like and he is a bit of an outcast. Not that he minds. When his peers' flighty idiocy results in the destruction of his thistle flower home he seeks a new home near a human. He is wary at first but finds the human, like him, is an outcast and actually very kind and respectful to nature. He eases up around the human called Felix and the two start a friendship that later evolves into more complicated feelings the fairy doesn't quite understand at first.

Everything is said from Ellis' perspective so there is little dialogue since fairies and humans seem to speak different languages. I actually like this because it seems more magical. I imagine Ellis speaking and Felix hearing bells instead of words. There is a lovely innocence and naivety to Ellis' perspective that I thought was very well done. Since he doesn't understand the growing love he has for Felix he labels him as his 'human pet' which is cute considering the size difference.

And don't fret as cute as everything is there is a splash of sexy for us to enjoy.