A review by lisaluvsliterature
Undone by Wendy Higgins


I feel like it has been a while since I have marked every book in a series as 5 stars, but this trilogy really earned all of those stars for me. This final book goes back and froth between two viewpoints, Amber as in the first two, and then Remy, her best friend. Since Remy and Tater and Linette were all captured by the aliens at the end of book two, we had to follow them to find out how they would survive all of this. And in a way, their story was often the one that kept me going, quickly reading through Amber's parts to get back to them. Mainly because Remy was set up in a way that she had to deal with the leader of the aliens, the man who also happened to be the Senator that everyone respected and looked up to so much in the first book. It turned out he was one of the aliens. But he had been with the humans his whole life basically, and felt a connection with Remy. She was able to use that connection to try to find things out to help her friends. In this story we had the other crew, Amber and Rylen and the others from the military base in Alaska now, that were doing their best to plan a way to take the aliens down, before more came from their home planet. We find out there are pockets of human resistance all over the world, and they learn to communicate with very old technology, keeping the aliens, for the most part from figuring out or noticing.

If I can find a way to get these books for my school library, I will definitely do it, as I think my students would enjoy this series as much as I did.

You can read my full review at Lisa Loves Literature.