A review by shellballenger
Night Journey by Stephen King


Type of read: Weekend/Lunch time read.

What made me pick it up: King is a favorite of mine and at a recent visit to our McKay's Bookstore I found the entire 'The Green Mile' series in all of its beautiful short story glory.

Overall rating: After literally throwing down book #4 in the story, I was so ready to get my hands on the next portion of the book. 'Night Journey' did not disappoint and you start to truly see the full circle of the story. I'm actually quite sad that I'm now onto the last portion of the book.

Reader's Note: I also fully admit, I know I'm biased when it comes to books by Stephen King, they have been and always will be a favorite of mine. They are one of the first authors I look for when we go to bookstores and I absolutely love the fact that many of their books can perfectly fit on my person (either in my pocket, purse, or backpack) for everyday and extended travel.