A review by hannahreadss_
This One Sky Day by Leone Ross


this was like reading a dream. the most detailed, intuitive, magical dream.

my first audiobook ever and i think i picked a pretty great one at that. leone narrates this herself and i think she does such an excellent job.

leone ross was one of my lecturers at university (forever grateful & totally my claim to fame), and i was somewhat obsessed with her; how her mind worked, how she viewed things, how she forged creative spaces that really enabled me to procure pieces of writing, the way she taught the classes. so, it's no surprise that this one sky day is an absolute feat steeped with magical realism and a distinct voice.

bolstered with unending imagination and full, vivid descriptions, this one sky day explores the the fictional archipelago of popisho and those who live there, each with their own special powers, or 'cors'.

i think i might have to get my hands on a physical copy and re-read it because my distractive brain isn't ideal for the audio form though and i am sure i have missed moments and plot points.