A review by scribepub
The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning: How to Free Yourself and Your Family From a Lifetime of Clutter by Margareta Magnusson

Keep only what you love and what makes you happy in the moment. It’s like Marie Kondo, but with an added sense of the transience and futility of this mortal existence.
The New York Post

Proustian … A primer on how to winnow your belongings before you die, so you don’t burden your family … Ms. Magnusson is the anti-Kondo, who takes us on a charming and discursive tour of her own stuff.
The New York Times

A slim yet sage volume … While Japanese item-control diva Marie Kondo gave us strict instructions to only keep things that spark joy, Magnusson’s book is straightforward and unsentimental (with a bit of humour). The main message from this mother of five is: Take responsibility for your items and don’t leave them as a burden for family and friends.
The Washington Post

Magnusson shares solid guiding principles for organising your home, no matter your age or life circumstance.
Business Insider

Magnusson has something worthwhile and amusing to say to adults of all ages … This is not an orderly book for people who like dot points and detailed instructions, but a meandering personal essay that weaves memoir with household tips and a calm philosophy.
Susan Wyndham, Weekend Australia

If you love Marie Kondo, Swedish Death Cleaning may be for you … feels especially relevant these days …The idea of death cleaning is to simply organise your everyday life to make it run more smoothly. People of any age can benefit from that!
The Kitchn

Packed with positive and practical suggestions, this slim volume could change your life.
Juliet Stevenson

‘Scandinavian author Margareta Magnusson has realised that having loads of possessions can really weigh a person, couple, or family down, and her book, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, which isn’t as spooky as it sounds, has become a phenomenon.’

New Zealand Herald

[In] The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, Swedish author Margareta Magnusson encourages a mature and matter-of-fact approach to life ... it encourages conversations about what is really of value and what others will truly treasure when you are gone.
Australian House & Garden