A review by hazyreads
Hotel Magnifique by Emily J. Taylor


DNF at 40%.
This was literally just a knock-off of Caraval, but executed even worse. Where Caraval at least has a unique idea, Hotel Magnifique has nothing. I didn't like a single character, and I kept forgetting what the MC's name even was. I felt no chemistry whatsoever between the MC and the love interest (who btw was the most regular, bland YA love interest you can think of). The MC kept getting herself into trouble despite everyone telling her off, with no regard to the consequences for either herself or anyone else. I did somewhat like the setting, but it became a bit much after a while with the endless descriptions trying to make this place seem as absolutely magical as possible to the point of ridiculousness. I had to quit reading it when I felt like I just couldn't care less what happened in the end.