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A review by booksthatstay
A Kashmiri Century: Portrait of a Society in Flux by Khemlata Wakhlu


I have read many books on Kashmir before, but what makes this book so much more special is that it is an #ownvoice book. Mrs. Wakhlu, a Kashmiri herself, has very elegantly depicted the regular lives of the Kashmiris amongst all the political chaos and suffering. Their life and challenges are anything but ordinary.

I felt that it is a very important read as it is very rare to come across such a detailed account of the lives of Kashmiris. The author has provided an essence of 'what it meant to be a Kashmiri' during her generation, her parent's generation, and her grandparent's generation.

Her writing is highly captivating and lucid. It takes the reader to the beautiful valleys of Kashmir and at the same time through the heartwrenching horrors Kashmiris went through.

As per the blurb "It is a one-of-a-kind book that delves deep into the human side of living in the valley, an aspect often missing in the cold political treatises on Kashmir."

So if you too find this to be an interesting and a very important read then do go for it! Reading it was an extremely enriching experience for me!