A review by shellballenger
Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips


Type of read: Commuter Read.

What made me pick it up: I was randomly scanning through the 'Now Available' in my Libby app and the cover art and title caught my eye.

Overall rating: Holy buckets...when you pick up a book called 'Gods Behaving Badly' that has an S&M-inspired Greek statue holding a whip on the cover, you're not expecting kittens and rainbows; however, I also wasn't expecting the sheer amount of sex and lewd storyline. Is the book tagged as romance and adult? Yes, however, the only mention of sex in the description provided by the author is "Aphrodite as a phone sex operator." That to me doesn't scream "I'm a book filled with multiple sex scenes with individuals who are technically related!" Don't get me wrong, I'm not against a good spicy book, but when you're listening at work and for twenty minutes straight it's a multi-character incestuous bathroom sex scene turned heart-to-heart, it catches you off guard.

'Gods Behaving Badly' is such a chaotic, drawn-out, waste of pages. I feel like it would have been a great short story, but it absolutely did not need to be a ten-hour audiobook. Additionally, as some other readers have noted (and I agree with them), while it may be different reading the tangible book, reading the audiobook version and having "Apollo said," "Alice said," "Artemis said..." CONTINUALLY is just an unnatural break in the narrative. Especially when the narrator did such a great job with distinct voices for each character. Honestly, the only reason I finished 'Gods Behaving Badly' is because it was such a trainwreck I had to see how it ended...and for all the build-up in the beginning, it was rather anti-climatic (pun intended). I would absolutely NOT recommend this one and it has officially made it on my list as one of the top comically bad, out-of-touch books that squandered its potential.

Reader's Note: As previously mentioned...sex. Lots of sex and sexual activity. Additionally, there are whole conversations about the morality of rape and Apollo basically asking to rape Alice.