A review by wahistorian
How to Know a Person: The Art of Seeing Others Deeply and Being Deeply Seen by David Brooks


David Brooks is concerned about our ability to connect with others, particularly post-pandemic, but he cites the statistics to demonstrate that this American anomie and isolation has been growing for some time. But he is not a Cassandra—this book is determined to offer concrete ways to rectify the problem by learning how to truly know the people around us and let them know us. He offers examples from his own life, from people he has interviewed or scholarship he has read. As a result, it is a very practical and useful book, but also a joyful and encouraging book. He talks about how to “accompany” others, in their joys and sorrows, how to really be there for them without losing oneself. He explores how to have difficult conversations and find empathy for others very different from oneself. It is a lovely, optimistic book, and I can highly recommend it to anyone who is lonely or despairing or dismayed by the state of the world. It will inspire hope in you.