A review by sarahscupofcoffee
Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins


This is a reread for me and it didn’t disappoint! When revisiting a beloved series (especially ones with movie adaptations), there are often feelings of unease. Will I not love it as much? Are there problematic elements that will ruin the experience and the nostalgia that I didn’t catch when I was younger? Is it even well written? Have I been in love with this book and recommending this book under old pretenses?

Not in this case.

Catching Fire was my favorite in the series because it truly had me gagged the first time I read it. I loved the gruesome nature of it, how they made the actual arena and quell twisted to suit the Capitol’s needs. I also loved the twists at the end and the characters.

The only reason I’m knocking off a star is because of the pacing. I feel as though the “before” and set up lasted forever, even though it was needed to understand the dynamics inside the arena. I felt like parts of the book dragged, but they were still captivating and needed. Such a great second book.