A review by eantoinette285
Stoned by Mandi Beck


Stone Lockhart... Stone mother-flipping Lockhart. He certainly shattered my heart to bits.

This tale of romance, was so much more than a few laughs and the butterflies and rainbows that go with a fairytale. Stoned was mostly angst and heartache. The couple in question, as well as the reader, needed to fight to the end to see if love is worth the fall.... and the fight.

Stoned was a tough story for me because I could easily be on anyone's side throughout this tale, but in doing that, I wouldn't have gotten the happy ending I wanted.

Stone is trouble. He's trouble for his band mates, trouble for his girlfriend Willow, and mostly, trouble for himself. Unfortunately, he just had to reach rock bottom to see that.

After losing everything, he has to finally open his eyes to the fact he's not untouchable and attempt to fix everything he's broken. He just has to hope he's not too late for his second chance at life.

My heart broke a little more with every page I turned. I could sympathize with Stone, but I also felt protective of Willow and hell, I even adored Joaquin. There wasn't a set villain here which made it that much more difficult and heartbreaking for me to be a cheerleader for the couples involved.

What I love the most is the fact that this is book one in a series, so now I just have to attempt to be patient for the next installment!